I am sure that this article is helpful to resolve all of your queries
Causes of Cold and Flu:
Cold and Flu is caused by viral infections. These viruses include rhinovirus that is a type of picornavirus. Other viruses causing colds are coronavirus, human parainfluenza viruses, human respiratory syncytial viruses.
Spread of Cold and Flu:
As it is contagious so; it spreads through infected people to uninfected ones thse live in close proximity. There are two main mechanism of spread of this viral infection.
Aerosal method : In this infection spread in community through coughing and sneezing of affected people to healthy ones. This type of inection is also called as airborne cold and flu.
From direct contact of saliva and nasal secretion from contaiminated surfaces.
Symptoms of Cold and Flu:
Symptoms of cold flu are mild to moderate to heavy. Most of us are well known with its complications as some people among us catch cold each year. These poor guys are really affected on every winter season.
Symptoms of Cold and flu include
Surge of fever (with body temperatures as high as 39 °C or approximately 103 °F)
- Cough
- Sneezing
- Nasal congestion
- Headache
- Body pain
As you know that "prevention is better than cure" therefore one must prefer to pevent himself from infection rather than cure as a sufferer. The most improtant preventive measures are mentioned below
- Avoid close contact with infected individuals.
- Regular washing of hands.
- Avoid touching of mouth and face of sufferers
- Use good clothing to restrict harshness of cold season.
Herbal Treatment of Cold and Flu:
Herbal remedies or treatment get a good position in remedies because they work maximally to cure the disease without giving side effects. Herbal remedies are very efficient to reduce the severity of cold and flu. These herbal remedies includes chamomile, garlic, ginger and echinacea.