Friday, August 13, 2010


Most of us are frustrating with the overweight part of life. Weight loss is nothing but a loss of certain pounds. Weight loss is undoubtedly is difficult but essential because obesity is a risk of certain diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, kidney disease and much more. Now, come towards the point that what is the weight which is said to be overweight.

Overweight is quite simple, an extra body fat usually about 20%, according to sex, height, weight and age but people are very much intrested to be lean because they feelthat that thin is beautiful. So anyone here is indulging himself to lose weight. people are also think that weigfht loss is easy by skipping meals and crash dieting. But this type of weight loss is extreme hazardious for the health In weight loss strategy the best approach, when you get reasonable weight and slim figure with good health. Fast weight loss through medication is annoying rather than beneficial.

Herbal Weight Loss Strategy Is the Best

One of the most important and widely accepted methods of weight loss is to lose weight through nutritional supplements. These weight loss supplements are characterized because of their safe, not drastic and consistent effects.

In herbal weight loss three methods are most recommended;

  1. First is the use of diuretic herbs that leads to loss of extra water.
  2. Second is the use of lipotropic vitamins and fat burners which have the ability to reduce fat content of body.
  3. Third and most popular is the use of natural appetite suppressant.

Whatever, you choose it requires lifetime commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

Fat burner are herbal in nature, it works through thermogenesis thus plays a key role in weight loss. Ephedrine a derivative of ephedra or ma haung is one of the best fat burner supplements is focusing on this strategy and successfully achieving its goal. Chromium picolinate is another natural fat burner used as weight reducing supplement, some clinical studies suggest that chromium improve lean body mass with benefits to reduce body fat.

Several appetite suppressants the most important is Hoodia Gordonii supports weight loss by suppressing appetite. Similarly, other herbs like Red clover (trifolium pratenase), Gymnema sylvestre, Guar gum and garcinia comboga are also helpful to reduce or control appetite.

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is extracted from the rind of fruit garcinia comboga is effective in weight management and not only reduces appetite but also decreases the turning of carbohydrates into fat. Spirulina also aids in fighting obesity. Take it 30 min before meal to decrease your appetite.

Another approach to herbal weight loss is use of dietary fibers that in turns suppress appetite. In addition, they also maintain blood cholesterol level. Kelp is a well-known dietary fiber that is helpful to reduce fat content of the body. Psyllium and fennel are a good appetite suppressants. DHEA has also led to a loss of body fat by blocking an enzyme that is known to produce fatty tissues.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Benefits of Biotin

Biotin-A Natural Secret for Stunning Charming Looks.
Biotin is a member of vitamin B family that can turn you from an average individual to a beautiful one, as you know that your inner health is appear as your beauty. Your healthy long and shinning hair, your glowing skin, your complexion, all are at the mercy of nutrition. And the utmost nutrition for your health is Biotin. That makes you an ever loving, beautiful, gorgeous and charming one.
I don’t agree with the idea “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”; actually it is something eye catching in you that attracts others.  Truly, what’s the beauty? It’s something that never neglect by any one. If you are beautiful, you are equally attractive among all.  And biotin is the one who will make you an ever charming individual.
It’s the single solution of your all problems. Either hair care, nail care or skin care.
What is the first, in your ever-attracting beauty? Obviously, your zit-free, unblemished skin. Biotin has ability to solve all skin problems that you come across on regular basses. It will give glow to your skin; make it wrinkled free, freckle free and zit free.
Benefits of biotin on hair care are also remarkable, it turn your dry and damaged hair in to healthier one. It can prevent from hair loss that’s the real curse in your beauty. Biotin is found in many hair care shampoos and massage oils.
Biotin should also take in your diet as it is necessary for healthy and glowing nails. It is found in my cosmetic products because of its ability improve brittle, thin, and splitting of nails.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Uva Ursi

Uva ursi- A miraculous herb for optimum urinary health

Uva ursi or Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi is an evergreen shrub. It is also known as bearberry. It is miraculous in its effects on urinary tract and has been used since centuries as a DIURETIC. Its main effects are produced by its leaves that contain ARBUTIN, an unbeatable chemical in the world of diuretic.

Uva ursi is efficient during any type of kidney and bladder disease. It is a well-recognized herb all around the world because of its marvelous health promoting effects without any side effects.

It is herbal diuretic and can compete with the modern pharmacological diuretics. It promotes excretion of fluids in urine and helps in swelling and other kidney disease.

Not only this, it is also claimed that uva ursi strengthen the heart muscle, relieves urinary tract infections. It is also act as a powerful tonic for bladder’s sphincter muscle and hence controls urination.

Use of uva ursi is suggested by modern herbalist as a safe, efficient and natural DIURETIC.

If you are suffering from any of urinary tract disease, try uva ursi and you will surely get rid of it.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Joint Health

Joints no doubt play a vital role in ones life as they help one to walk, to move, to bend, and to be fit, healthy and active forever. All of our activities depend upon how fast and smooth our joints they work that consecutively depend on how healthy they are?
The answer of this is your optimum joint health.
A joint is actually the connection between two of your bones. This is supported by other structures include ligament, synovium with fluid and are cushioned by cartilage.
All of these structures work together and allow you to move your body, to bend your elbow, bend your back, wiggle your hips, and even to wave you finger to say bye-bye. Nature has bestowed lots of covering to support joint health but certain injuries, increasing age, carrying too much weight, improper body posture or even sitting the wrong way as well as several nutritional deficiency can wear and tear your cartilage and joint and can make problem to your joint health.

Problems Associated with Joint Health

Arthritis is the most common bone and joint problem and it is a group of conditions involving damage to the bones and joints of the body and can be classify according to causes of them. There are over 100 different forms of these joint complains. The most common form among them is osteoarthritis that is degenerative problem of joint health which is a result of any trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or aging. Other forms that deteriorate joint health in individuals include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and autoimmune diseases.

Easy Tips to Promote Joint Health

Below are some easy tips are mentioned to overcome joint problems and maintain joint health and thus longevity of individual. Joint health is a hot topic in all seasons among all of us because it’s bad affects influence thousands of people every where. Even only in the United States, one in three adults suffers from some form of joint pain. Moreover most of these joint problems can easily be reduced or even may be avoided completely with some basic changes in our everyday lifestyles or routine.
For sake of your benefit they are mention below. Try them to improve your joint health.

• Try to lose weight because carrying around extra pounds gives severe strains on your joints and especially on your knees, hips, back and feet and weight loss will immediately improve joint health.
• Exercise regularly but don’t stress a lot on your bones and joint. Regular exercise protects joints by strengthening the muscles around them. It lessens pain, increases range of movement in case of bone and joint discomfort.
• Early and specific diagnosis of any kind of joint problem assists you to get rid of them and aids to improves overall joint health.
• Smoking is another major causative agent and reduces bone mass that may lead to bone fractures in individuals. So to improve joint health one should quit smoking as early as possible.
• Try to find out the stressed activities in your routine even they are minor and also try to relief from them. Like sitting or standing all the day in same posture can cause joint problems.

Nutritional Backups to Improve Joint Health

Be sure that you're getting sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to improve you joint health. Nutritional supplements are another best way to reduce, eradicate, and to certain extent avoid joints discomfort. You should also try to support and nourish your joint as they are the most mobile part of your body and need enormous nutrition to serve you successfully. So, be careful about your joint health.

Calcium is an important element to keep ones bones strong and joints healthy.
Vitamin C also supports joint health in individual.
• Use of nutritional supplement like fish oil and flax oil or a source of omega-3 fatty acids also work wonders to optimize your joint health.
Glucosamine another useful compound improve joint heath as well as also helping to rebuild joint cartilage

Friday, February 12, 2010

L Arginine

L Arginine benefits on male infertility can never be denied
L arginine benefits a man much more than a synthetic drug. In recent developed age of science and technology; plenty of researches are there on several synthetic drugs but because of their side effects they are unable to surpass the effectiveness of natural supplements. Consequently use of nutritional supplements is still at its peak and from history till now people trust on them. L Arginine is amongst one of them and an L arginine benefits on health have got the attention of people all around the world.
L-Arginine is not only considered as an amino acid but it also possesses astonishingly good effects on male reproductive abilities. The L Arginine benefits on male infertility is by virtue of its ability to convert in nitric oxide (NO) naturally that in turn improves blood circulation and hence shows a significant improvement in erection of patients with erectile dysfunction. L arginine benefits are miraculous; it’s a legend for hopeless men with their infertility.
L arginine support male fertility either through improves erection or through increase stamina or through energy. Well, whatever the cause L arginine benefits on men’s sexual desire is undeniable. Nobody can ignore it. Many healthcare practitioners recommended it together with yohimbine or proanthocynidine to improve erection.
L Arginine is a safe and marvel choice for men and taken as a most adorable and appealing natural supplement by men because numerous other reasons. For man it is much more than a sexual stimulant as it works in various aspects of man’s health. The most important from is L Arginine benefits to increases muscle mass in man. Secondly, it increases blood circulation throughout the body as well as to sex organs and improves erection. Last but not the least, is its ability to improve sperm production and motility.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Arnica Gel

Arnica Gel for bruising- A Simple, Effective and safe Cure

Arnica gel” A homeopathic medicine when use in bruising leads to ease and healing. An Individuals having admiration and interest in herbal remedy can have idea that how superior is Arnica gel for bruising. It is too marvelous in its performance that all discussions on natural healing medications are vacant without arnica gel. It is excessively popular natural healer that almost all of us are familiar that Arnica Gel as topical medication that can easily handle household minor bruises to severe injuries.

The effectiveness of arnica gel for bruising is miraculous. Arnica Gel is famous as the bruising is recurrent problem that one comes across in daily routine activities.  Bruising is very common that frequently and commonly near once in a day or more I, you and all of us encounter with mild to moderate injuries, bruising or trauma either from fall off from bike, when working the kitchen or while exercising etc. ALAS! Any one of us can be a victim of this unfortunate collision or bruising. For all these types of bruising or contusion we have Arnica Gel, which is ready to serve and appeared as An Easy, Simple, Safe and Effective Cure of Bruising.

Use of Arnica gel for bruising is not a new entry in herbal remedy, it is dated back to 1500s. In history Arnica Montana was said to be a useful herb by Greek and German mountain dwellers and they had understood Arnica as a therapeutic agent. People in his older time were used to chew Arnica to reduce the severity of internal injury, muscle soreness as well as fastest healing after bruising. But recently modern researches declare that Arnica is poisonous in raw form, so shouldn’t take orally. Recently, use of Arnica as arnica gel, arnica cream, liniment, ointment, or tincture is common. Native Americans and Europeans are also using arnica gel for bruising as well as to soothe muscle aches, to heal wounds and reduce inflammation.

Today the topical application of Arnica Gel is a real cornerstone in homeopathic medicine. Just because of the efficacy of arnica gel, it is taken as a representative in homeopathy and also is adorned by all.
Arnica gel is an approved first aid remedy not only for bruising but also for injuries such as sprains and bruises. Researchers also approved the marvelous efficacy of Arnica gel as a great pain relieving and anti-inflammatory agent.