Friday, August 13, 2010


Most of us are frustrating with the overweight part of life. Weight loss is nothing but a loss of certain pounds. Weight loss is undoubtedly is difficult but essential because obesity is a risk of certain diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, kidney disease and much more. Now, come towards the point that what is the weight which is said to be overweight.

Overweight is quite simple, an extra body fat usually about 20%, according to sex, height, weight and age but people are very much intrested to be lean because they feelthat that thin is beautiful. So anyone here is indulging himself to lose weight. people are also think that weigfht loss is easy by skipping meals and crash dieting. But this type of weight loss is extreme hazardious for the health In weight loss strategy the best approach, when you get reasonable weight and slim figure with good health. Fast weight loss through medication is annoying rather than beneficial.

Herbal Weight Loss Strategy Is the Best

One of the most important and widely accepted methods of weight loss is to lose weight through nutritional supplements. These weight loss supplements are characterized because of their safe, not drastic and consistent effects.

In herbal weight loss three methods are most recommended;

  1. First is the use of diuretic herbs that leads to loss of extra water.
  2. Second is the use of lipotropic vitamins and fat burners which have the ability to reduce fat content of body.
  3. Third and most popular is the use of natural appetite suppressant.

Whatever, you choose it requires lifetime commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

Fat burner are herbal in nature, it works through thermogenesis thus plays a key role in weight loss. Ephedrine a derivative of ephedra or ma haung is one of the best fat burner supplements is focusing on this strategy and successfully achieving its goal. Chromium picolinate is another natural fat burner used as weight reducing supplement, some clinical studies suggest that chromium improve lean body mass with benefits to reduce body fat.

Several appetite suppressants the most important is Hoodia Gordonii supports weight loss by suppressing appetite. Similarly, other herbs like Red clover (trifolium pratenase), Gymnema sylvestre, Guar gum and garcinia comboga are also helpful to reduce or control appetite.

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is extracted from the rind of fruit garcinia comboga is effective in weight management and not only reduces appetite but also decreases the turning of carbohydrates into fat. Spirulina also aids in fighting obesity. Take it 30 min before meal to decrease your appetite.

Another approach to herbal weight loss is use of dietary fibers that in turns suppress appetite. In addition, they also maintain blood cholesterol level. Kelp is a well-known dietary fiber that is helpful to reduce fat content of the body. Psyllium and fennel are a good appetite suppressants. DHEA has also led to a loss of body fat by blocking an enzyme that is known to produce fatty tissues.

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